Saturday, February 27, 2010

Confusing signals

The Education Ministry seems to be saying things which are pleasing to the ears of those who are passionate about sports. And, I am sure everyone out there is hoping that all this will come to pass in the near future.

This maybe a good PR exercise to show how the Government is serious in its efforts to develope sports.

However, there are some confusing signs from other areas. Lately, sports programmes on Radio has been drastically reduced. Some folks at Angkaspuri informed me that the first casualty was TraxxFM, which now have been given a weekly slot for sports roundup. Worse still, the many top sports commentators (part-timers) were also told to hit the streets.

"Sports cannot be a weekly programme. The people do not seem to understand or just do not care. Even sports departments are being merged with news departments," said a source.

Another source said that, next those in power are planning to reduce sports in other programmes, including Minnal.

Is it to cut cost? No, said some of them. "The bosses are more interested in entertainment."I hope this is not so and I am trying to get some clarifications on this matter and will update later.

In the meantime, we have to live with this mixed signals. What else is new in sports? Does the Cabinet Committee On Sports know about these downgradings?


  1. We are all pretending " All is well & economy is robust"

    People at ground level know what'The hell they are living in'

    Sports need money to run....but as you said in your blog we see people "run for sports"

  2. ...and Malaysia plans or thinks to be Sports hub or even have it as an industry. What a joke it is becoming to be.

    Without money to give to the real players (NSAs & SSAs - to develop & maintain their sports) how then can u give (pormote) to those (who has $$$ but doesn't give to sports assoc) except towards their own bank account, can the sports industry flourish?

    Too much money is being throw away for lavish seminars or talks about making Malaysia a sports hub...when the same $$$ could be given to all NSAs equally for their development.

    Sports is sports and there's no 2 way about...if u plan to juz give to those in the elite tier n not give to the rest, its better than not give at all as how many can be absorb by the respective elite sports?

    Even as today, DPM speaks of giving sports scholarships to deserving sportsmen & women, it really defeats it's purpose to have BJSS & Bdr Penawar. Schools should have a fair & equal footing to compete & get their students to have a fair chance of the sports scholarships instead they have to compete with these 2 schools (who has the best athletes with NSC supports & knowhow to develop them).

    Looks like the average athlete will & might never get a chance to see his or her dream to have a better education & be a great sports person in Malaysia.
